Mark Barbone
Computer Science PhD student at Cornell
Email: "barbone" ++ ""
Hi! I’m Mark, a first-year PhD student at Cornell. Before that, I did my undergrad at UC San Diego. I’m interested in using the tools of programming languages to make writing correct and efficient code easier.
Check out some random, fun things.
I also learn a lot of cool things, usually about {math}{computers}. I’m trying to write about them here.
CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma Discovery for Inductive Equational Proofs
was presented at ICFP’24.
I got an Honorable Mention for the 2024 CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award.
Check out the preprint of
Efficient Bayesian Synthesis with Version Spaces
This Fall, I’m an instructional assistant for Nadia Polikarpova’s UCSD CSE 130 Principals of Programming Languages. Course website
I won the UCSD CSE 2023 Undergraduate Excellence in Research award.
This Spring, I was an instructional assistant for Joe Politz’s UCSD CSE 131 Compiler Construction / UCSD CSE 231 Advanced Compiler Design. Course website
Our workshop paper
Elizaveta Pertseva, Mark Barbone, Joey Rudek, and Nadia Polikarpova. Regex+: Synthesizing regular expressions from positive examples
was presented in SYNT, at CAV’22. Paper
Together with my coauthor, I presented at the POPL’23 student research competition, advised by Nadia Polikarpova and Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick. Read our abstract
Our work Scalable Synthesis of Regular Expressions From Only Positive Examples earned first place in the undergraduate category.
I scored 45 points on the 2022 Putnam undergraduate mathematics competition, ranking 113th nationally.